5 Jun 2016 - Erice, Sicily, Italy
NOXSS-Workshop on The Free Electron Laser for Ultrafast Imaging at the Nanoscale in Erice Italy, June 5-10, 2016

The Workshop addresses the use of Free-Electron Lasers (FEL) for probing structural and dynamical properties of matter at the nanoscale, and the necessary developments in experimental and theoretical methods.
As novel FEL research infrastructures are coming online, efforts are urgently required in order to carry out successful science programmes. This implies an overarching approach to the understanding of all experimental aspects, from pulse structure to sample delivery to detector response, and of the theoretical tools and methods for data analysis and interpretation.
The workshop is accordingly organized as a symposium, with introductory lectures covering the state-of-play of the relevant experimental and theoretical aspect of FEL-based science, followed by topical contributions. Each day will be dedicated to one set of topical aspects, from experiment design, to data analysis challenges, to theoretical understanding of strong-field light-matter interaction, to the understanding of the sources and their perspective evolution, with experimental considerations feeding back to accelerator physics for the optimization of the FEL sources. A large amount of time will be dedicated to discussion and interactions among participants. Participants will also have the opportunity to present their own scientific results in the form of posters.
For more information please visit to Home page - http://noxss.fisica.unimi.it/