Important information for NFFA-Europe users: new limits for access requests and reminder on scheduling timeline!

Users are advised to dimension the workload of their proposals (nº of samples, techniques…) within an overall 20 UoA limit. Deviations from this limit shall be well justified technically and scientifically in the user proposal and will be carefully evaluated by the Technical Liaison Network and the Access Review Panel that have the last word on the issue.
In addition, a maximum cumulative usage for a given technique/installation at a given provider by the same user group is set at 50%. When such usage is exceeded the user will get the appropriate message and proposals from that group will no longer be eligible. In any case, such users will be able to apply in the last two NFFA-Europe calls if there is still remaining capacity. This limit will not apply to those techniques locally offered in such low numbers that a reasonable access by the user will consume it anyway.
We remind all users that access is preferably scheduled in the three months following the notification letter date with a maximum extra extension of 3 more months to account for unforeseen scheduling difficulties. Users are encouraged to consider carefully the date of the submission of their proposals so that any previous work in their own labs is completed within this timeframe. Cases of force majeure in the user and provider (especially LSF) side will be considered.