CNR-IOM ( integrates a wide spectrum of multidisciplinary competences within a close-cooperating scientific environment which includes advanced laboratories for research at the nanoscale, fine analysis by use of synchrotron radiation and free electron laser as well as new computational methods and numerical algorithms for studying molecular materials and systems. The main activities include material synthesis, advanced characterisations and numerical simulations, focusing on the study and development of innovative materials and devices at the micro- and nano-scale.
CNR-IOM participates to NFFA-Europe with the Trieste headquarters, that also owns six beamlines at the nearby Elettra synchrotron radiation facility, and with the Democritos center of excellence for computational theory.
CNR-IOM has a central role in NFFA-Europe being the coordinator of the overall Consortium and of the project management and administration. Featuring a widespread set of advanced laboratories and tools for nanoscience and nanotechnology operating in strong synergy with the Elettra synchrotron radiation facility and the Fermi Free Electron laser, CNR-IOM provides Transnational Access to users to carry out comprehensive research projects going from growth, to nanolithography, characterization and theoretical simulation.