Third Open Call for Short-Term Visits to NFFA-Europe Facilities

The third Open Call for short-term visits to NFFA-Europe Facilities starts 12th April 2019.
NFFA-EUROPE MOBILITY ACTION programme promotes short-term visits to NFFA-Europe facilities organised as practical laboratory stays to gain hands-on experience of advanced services for nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Several open-calls along the NFFA-Europe project duration will be made through the NFFA-Europe web-site, where a list of possible host institutions, preliminary selected by a Short-term-visit Executive Committee, will be published.
During the different calls, preference will be given to PhD students, post-docs, young researchers and finally engineers and technicians. Additionally preference will be given to those who have not been previously financed.
The beneficiaries will be selected based on the required documentation according to quality and excellence of Curriculum Vitae of the candidate, appropriate work plan and feasibility of the proposal as well as Expected Impact on Applicant Career Development.
The duration of the stay is limited to a week. The programme will assure a fixed budget in order to support the travel and accommodation expenses.