
Characterisation Installation 4
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The cathodoluminescence tool is a SEM with a FEG source (3-10 keV) allowing spatial resolution as low as 3 nm. Samples are mounted on a 1 inch sample holder attached on a piezoelectric nano-positioning cryostage allowing low temperature measurements (~10K). An intra-column optical collection system coupled with a dispersive spectrometer and two array detectors permits the spectral analysis of luminescence emission from 200 nm to 1.6 µm. This system offers a way to extract spatially resolved electronic and/or optical properties of luminescent material and devices.

          provided at NFFA-Europe laboratories by:


Helium to room temperature luminescence characterization of solid samples

Analysis of material properties (charge carrier recombination, electronic transition) and detection of defects or impurities

Electron gun with a beam current varying from 100pA to 20nA, focused on the sample thanks to a SEM  microscope

Electron gun of energy between 2 and 10keV

Visible CCD detector: 220 -1050 nm

Near infrared InGaAs array: 800 -1550 nm

Luminescence spatial resolution from 30nm to several hundreds of nanometers depending on electron beam energy and probed material

SEM resolution is few nanometers

XY mapping stage range: 25mmx25mm, XY mapping stage resolution<100nm

Z range: 5mm

From few mm2 to 20 mm diameter flat samples

Secondary vacuum ambient in the chamber

Helium cryostat from 4 K to 500 K

Cross section view is possible, in this case sample size is limited to 2mmx2mm

Sample preparation allowed: cleaving or polishing only

No FIB etching (detrimental for luminescence characteristics of a lot of materials)