for Industry

Enhancing and facilitating industry access to nanosciences and nanotechnologies, through a one-stop-shop for your needs.

What is the one-stop shop?


Both a 20 European expert hub at your service and a laboratory network of excellence, NFFA One-Stop Shop is the single entry point leading to NFFA's complete, coordinated and integrated offer.


The button "REQUEST SUPPORT" will directly get you in touch with our industry-dedicated team, that will answer to any of your questions, from the dimest doubt to the most precise interrogation.


The classic application process in 12 steps:

  1. Gather from the catalogue all the steps required by your research and compose your wish list
  2. Access your online application form from your wish list page, by signing up
  3. Add general information on your proposal: title, ERC sectors, keywords, abstract, state of the art, objectives, your motivationsto use of NFFA-Europe, in the online application form
  4. Complete in details the dedicated table for each item in your wish list. See in details here[Link to classic application page]
  5. If needed, add/delete/sort your research steps
  6. If there is a specific NFFA-Europe site where you would prefer to perform your research, please choose from the list and explain the reasons for your preference.
  7. If you have additional information on your proposal that you want to bring to our attention, please fill in the “additional notes” field
  8. Add info on the composition of your user group. As main proponent, you’ll be automatically added as user group leader
  9. Add your request for Travel & Subsistence Support. Remember that you can ask for a contribution for travel expenses only, for subsistence only or for both. No more than two users per proposal are allowed to ask for support
  10. A template for technical specifications of you sample and safety issues has to be downloaded, completed, signed and uploaded. Upload a PDF version of your completed form when prompted
  11. Read and accept terms&conditions for proposal submission and legal notices
  12. Save your draft for editing or submit your proposal

NFFA intellectual property policy

In the context of NFFA-Europe, three distinct forms of intellectual property (IP) assets are identified.

  1. Proposal-IP
    Proposal-IP is defined, including a background IP generated by the user before accessing NFFA-Europe installations with all the novel contents of the proposal itself (processes, compounds or solutions proposed by the user), as well as a foreground IP generated during the access to the NFFA-Europe installations, consisting of the results sought/achieved.
  2. Facility-IP
    At the level of the installations: “Facility-IP”, i.e. innovative instrumentation or novel solutions developed during the user access, with or without the user’s contribution, needed to carry out the user research or upgrades.
  3. Preparation-IP
    At the level of experiment preparation: “Preparation-IP” not strictly related to Proposal-IP or Facility-IP (sample/substrate preparation/ characterisation). It is agreed and accepted that background Proposal-IP is owned by the user and Facility-IP is owned by the Access Provider offering the access to the specific installation. Foreground Proposal-IP is also generally owned by the user but can be co-owned by the access provider (on the basis of considerations made in 2.3).

Following article 1.1, it is understood and agreed that Consortium members (researchers, technicians, administrative staff) and user/user group members are mutually obliged to respect confidentiality and not to disclose to third parties any information or documents relevant to the proposal