Time-resolved ultrafast probes on nanosystems

Pave the way towards systematic time-resolved experimental and theoretical analysis for nanoscale systems and prepare access to novel FEL and forthcoming X-ray FELs laboratories through fs-range pulsed radiation from table top UV and soft X-sources.

JRA4 Research addresses the 10-12s time resolution frontier of nanoscience. Bonding-rebonding and collective properties (electronic, magnetic) of nanostructures and nanostructured matter (fs-scale) will be studied on the relevant time scale and prepare further experiments with the soft and hard X-ray ultrashort pulse sources under construction: Free Electron Lasers (FERMI@Elettra, EU-XFEL, SwissFEL) as well asadvanced laser facilities (table top beamlines, ELI-ALPS). Among the objectives are integrated pump-probe experiments for nanoscience and theory tools for real-time analysis.


Prepare the move towards systematic time-resolved experimental and theoretical analysis for nanoscale systems with fs-range pulsed radiation from table top UV and soft X-sources preparing access to novel free electron laser laboratories (FERMI) and forthcoming X-ray FEL laboratories in Europe (EU-XFEL, SwissFEL).


T9.1.        Probing ultrafast phenomena of nanoscience

T9.2.        Modelling of the interaction of ultrashort EM pulses with nanosystems


D9.1.       Pump-probe setup with tunable pump beam (M24)

D9.2.       HHG Optical setup for XUV spectroscopy (M36

D9.3.       Demonstration of a multiple beam delay line for x-ray streaking experiments (M36)

D9.4.       Setup for pump-probe small and wide angle scattering experiments (M40)

D9.5.       Protocol of time resolved setup for hard X-rays optical spectroscopy (M40)

D9.6.       Protocols for temporal characterization of ultrashort FEL pulses (M40)

D9.7.       Computational protocol for material optical properties during pump-probe experiments and in nanostructures irradiated with ultrashort pulses (M40)

D9.8.       Numerical codes and software for real time simulation of pump-probe experiments (M40)