Centre national de la recherche scientifique

CNRS – official website - is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research.

In this project, CNRS will participate with the Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanostructures (LPN) – official website - a french national facility for nanofabrication. The main research fields of the labs are nanophotonics, spintronics, quantum nanoelectronics, optoelectronic devices, microfluidics and microsystems. The staff comprises 350 persons, including about 100 PhD students and 30 post-doc fellows. LPN is situated in Marcoussis, ie at less than 10 km from the SOLEIL large facility and at short distance from the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) the French Neutron Scattering Infrastructure jointly supported by the CNRS and the CEA (for research and staff see also CEA profile).

SOLEIL (Societe Civile) - Linked Third Party to CNRS - is the French national synchrotron facility created by CNRS and CEA. SOLEIL is a 3rd generation source of synchrotron radiation, operating at an energy of 2.75 GeV and a nominal stored beam currents (top-up injection) of 430 mA, rising to 500 mA by the end of 2014. It offers a unique panorama of experiments with 26 operational beamlines (29 foreseen in 2016), covering the Far IR to the Hard X-ray range, and open to a large scientific and industrial users community in a very broad range of fields from life-sciences to material science including surface, solid states and gas phase physics and chemistry.

CNRS role in NFFA Europe:

CNRS provides access to Lithography and Patterning, Growth and Synthesis, Characterisation

CNRS contributes to Joint Research on High Precision Manufacturing

CNRS leads access to Characterisation

SOLEIL role in NFFA Europe:

SOLEIL provides access to Characterisation

SOLEIL contributes to Joint Research on In-Operando and high throughput methods; Time-resolved ultrafast probes on nanosystems; Advanced Nano-object Transfer and Positioning